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Visit my Research Gate or Google Scholar Profile for updated publications!

*Please email for any publications you can't access:


Under Review or Invited

Hambrick, E. P., Williams, J. L., & Nilsson, J. (invited manuscript for special issue). Expecting Disaster: Preparing Existing Youth-Serving Systems to Deliver Evidence-Informed, Culturally-Congruent Emergency Mental Health. 


Guler, J., Kia-Keating, M., Zax, A., Haji, G., & Hambrick, E. P. (invited manuscript for special issue). Promoting equity and accompaniment in traumatic stress research through partnership with resettled refugee communities. 


Guler, J., Zax, A., Hambrick, E. P., Kichline, T., & Gudino, O. (under review). Contextualizing refugee health service provision: A multidisciplinary qualitative exploration of factors relevant to addressing refugees’ mental and physical health concerns after resettlement.


Stokes, Y., Lewis, K., Tricco, A., Hambrick, E. P., Jacob, J. D., Demery Varin, M., Gould, J., Aggarwal, D., Cloutier, P., Landriault, C., Greenham, S., Ward, M., Kennedy, A., Boggett, J., Sheppard, R., Murphy, D., Robb, M., Gandy, H., Lavergne, S., & Graham, I. D. (under review). Youth, caregiver, and staff perspectives on planning the implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care Program: A qualitative study.


Accepted or Published

Wilson, E., Ramirez, A., Hambrick, E. P., Marzalek, J. M., Berkley-Patton, J., & Bennett, K. K. (accepted). Rumination mediates associations between microaggressions and sleep quality in Black Americans: The toll of racial microstressors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine.


Williams, J. L., Hambrick, E. P., Gleason, V. L., Hardt, M. M., Henschel, A. V., Wilfred, S. A., Wilson, E. J., Stratmann, S., Jamison, J. R., Moncure, M. (2023). Evaluating Skills for Psychological Recovery with nonfatal gunshot victims in a hospital-based early intervention program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. doi: 10.1037/ort0000710


White, K., Rolock, N., Hambrick, E. P., Bai, R., Bender, A., Evans, K., Diamant-Wilson, R., & Bailey, K. (2023). Longitudinal Evaluation of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics with Adoptive Families in Tennessee. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. doi: 10.1080/26408066.2023.2245819


*Stokes, Y., Lewis, K., Tricco, A., Hambrick, E. P., Jacob, J. D., Demery Varin, M., Gould, J., Aggarwal, D., Cloutier, P., Landriault, C., Greenham, S., Ward, M., Kennedy, A., Boggett, J., Sheppard, R., Murphy, D., Robb, M., Gandy, H., Lavergne, S., & Graham, I. D. (2023). Trauma-informed care interventions used in pediatric inpatient or residential treatment mental health settings and strategies to implement them: A scoping review. Journal of Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. doi: 10.1177/15248380231193444


Rubens, S. L., Zeringue, M., Miller, M., Hambrick, E. P., Chakawa, A., & Perez Crawford, T. (2023). Trauma exposure and associated sleep problems in black adolescent and young adult students attending an alternative high school. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy. doi: 10.1037/tra0001534


*Bauer, A., Williams, J., Hambrick, E., Rempfer, M., Bennett, K. Christensen, K., & Berkley-Patton, J. (2023). Exploring attitudes, norms, and beliefs toward mental health care among young Black/African American men: A Theory of Planned Behavior assessment. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy. doi: 10.1037/tra0001462


Hambrick, E. P., Williams, J. L., Hardt., M., *Collins, J. O., Punt, S., Rincon, M., Zhang, A., Maras, M., *Lopez Mader, M., Stiles, R., & Nelson, E. (2023). Disseminating early interventions for disaster response using the ECHO Model. Journal of Community Psychology.


Evans, K., Bender, A., Rolock, N., Hambrick, E., Bai, R., White, K., Diamant-Wilson, R., Bailey, K. (2023). Adherence to client treatment recommendations in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT). Research on Social Work Practice.


Hambrick, E. P., *Lee, S. K., Weiler, L., *Collins, J. O., & Taussig, H. N. (2022). Engagement of children in foster care in a preventive intervention. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.


*Guler, J., Hambrick, E., Kichline, T., & Vernberg, E. (2022). Adjustment after forced migration and refugee resettlement: Perspectives of refugee service providers and community leaders. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.


Hambrick, E. P., Seedat, S., & Perry, B. D. (2021). How the timing, nature, and duration of relationally positive experiences influence outcomes in ehildren with Adverse Childhood Experiences. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, section Emotion Regulation and Processing.


*Abel, M. R., Hambrick, E. P., & Vernberg, E. M. (2021). Talking with children about natural disasters: The link between parent emotion socialization and child posttraumatic stress symptoms. Child & Youth Care Forum.


McGuire, A., Gabrielli, J., Hambrick, E., Abel, M., Guler, J., & Jackson, Y. (2020). Academic functioning of youth in foster care: The influence of individual and environmental factors. Children and Youth Services Review. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105867


Felix, E., Rubens, S., & Hambrick, E. (2020). The relationship between physical and mental health

outcomes in children exposed to disasters. Current Psychiatry Reports, 22.


Hambrick, E. P., Brawner, T. W., & Perry, B. D. (2019). Timing of early life stress and the development of brain-related capacities. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.


Hambrick, E. P., Brawner, T. W., Perry, B. D., Brandt, K., *Hofmeister, C., & *Collins, J. (2019). Beyond the ACE score: Examining relationships between timing of developmental adversity, relational health and developmental outcomes in children. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. doi:


Hambrick, E. P., Brawner, T. W., Perry, B. D. (2018).  Relationally positive contexts: A support for child welfare-involved youth.  Children Australia. doi: 10.1017/cha.2018.21


Rubens, S. L., Felix, E., & Hambrick, E. P. (2018). The impact of natural disasters on internalizing

            and externalizing problems in youth:  A meta-analysis. Journal of Traumatic Stress. doi:



Hambrick, E. P., Brawner, T. W., Perry, B. D., Wang, E., Griffin, G., DeMarco, T…& Strother, M.

            (2018). Restraint and critical incident reduction following introduction of the Neurosequential

            Model of Therapeutics (NMT).  Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. doi:



Hambrick, E. P., Rubens, S. L., Brawner, T. W., & Taussig, H. N. (2018).  Do sleep problems

            mediate the link between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency in preadolescent

            children in foster care?  Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12802

            [PMCID in progress]


Hambrick, E. P., Vernberg, E. M., Greenhoot, A. F., Hendrickson, M. L. (2017).  Recalling a

            devastating tornado:  Qualities of child recollections and associations with mental health

            symptoms.  Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. doi: 10.1007/s40653-017-0199-z


Gabrielli, J., Jackson, Y., Tunno, A. M., & Hambrick, E. P. (2017).  The Blind Men and the Elephant:

            Identification of a latent maltreatment construct for youth in foster care. Child Abuse & Neglect,

            67, 98-108. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.020 [PMCID in progress]


Hambrick, E. P., Oppenheim-Weller, S., & N’zi, A., & Taussig, H. N. (2016).  Mental health

            interventions for children in foster care: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services

            Review, 70, 65-77. [PMCID in progress]


Huffhines, L., Tunno, A. M., Cho, B., Hambrick, E. P., Campos, I., Lichty, B., & Jackson, Y.

            (2016).  Case file coding of child maltreatment: Methods, challenges, and innovations in a

            longitudinal project of youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 67, 245-262.

            [PMCID in progress]


Zarnegar, Z., Hambrick, E. P., Perry, B. D., Azen, S. J., & Peterson, C. (2016).  Clinical improvements

            in adopted children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders through neurodevelopmentally-

            informed clinical intervention: A pilot study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 21, 551-

            567. doi: 10.1177/1359104516636438


Vernberg, E. M., Hambrick, E. P., O’Connor, B. A., & Hendrickson, M. (2016). Positive psychology

            and disaster mental health: Strategies for working with children and adolescents. Journal of

            Clinical Psychology. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22289 


Taussig, H. N., Weiler, L., Rhodes, T., Hambrick, E. P., Wertheimer, R., Fireman, O., & Combs, M.

            (2015). Fostering Healthy Futures for Teens: Adaptation of an evidence-based program. Journal

            of the Society for Social Work and Research, 6, 617-642. doi: 10.1086/684021


Gabrielli, J., Hambrick, E. P., Tunno, A. M., Jackson, Y., Spangler, A., & Kanine, R. (2015). Longitudinal assessment of self-harm statements of youth in foster care: Rates, reporters, and related factors. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 46, 893-902. doi: 10.1007/s10578-014-0529-4 [PMC4517977]


Hambrick, E. P., O’Connor, B., & Vernberg, E. M. (2015). Interview and recollection-based research with child disaster survivors: Participation-related changes in emotion and perceptions of participation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy, 8, 165-171. [PMC4767661]


Hambrick, E. P., Tunno, A. M., Gabrielli, J., Jackson, Y. & Belz, C. (2014). Using multiple informants to assess child maltreatment: Concordance between case file and youth self-report. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23, 751-771. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2014.933463 [PMC4196427]


Hambrick, E. P., Rubens, S., Vernberg, E. M., Jacobs, A., & Kanine, R. (2013). Toward successful dissemination of Psychological First Aid: A qualitative study of provider training preferences. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. doi: 10.1007/s11414-013-9362-y


Jackson, Y., Gabrielli, J., Tunno, A. M., & Hambrick, E. P. (2012). Strategies for longitudinal research with youth in foster care: A demonstration of methods, barriers, and innovations. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 1208-1213. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.02.007


Puddy, R., Roberts, M. C., Vernberg, E. M., & Hambrick, E. P. (2011). Service coordination and children’s functioning in a school-based intensive mental health program. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 948-962 doi: 10.1007/s10826-011-9554-0


Hambrick, E. P. & McCord, D. M. (2010). Proactive coping and its relation to the Five Factor Model of personality. Individual Differences Research, 8(2), 67-77.


Perry, B. D. & Hambrick, E. P. (2008). The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 17(3), 38-43.


Book Chapters


Stokes, Y., Aggarwal, D., Cloutier, P., Graham, I. D., Tricco, A. C., Jacob, J. D., Hambrick, E., Lewis, K. B. (2022). Planning the implementation of a trauma-informed care program at a pediatric hospital: A trainee’s experience using an integrated knowledge translation process. In J. Resel, C. McCutcheon., A. Kothari, & I. D., Graham (Eds.), How We Work Together: The Integrated Knowledge Translation Casebook. Volume 6. Ottawa, ON: Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network (pp. 20-24). Available from:


Perry, B. D. & Hambrick, E. P., & Perry, R. D. (2016). A neurodevelopmental perspective and clinical challenges. In R. Fong & R. McRoy (Eds.), Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions: Culturally Sensitive Guidance for Professionals (pp. 126-153), Columbia University Press: New York, NY.


Vernberg, E. M. & Hambrick, E. P. (2013). Helping people cope with disasters. In G.P. Koocher, J.C. Norcross, & B.A. Greene (Eds.), The Psychologists’ Desk Reference, Third Edition (pp. 711-716). Oxford, Great Britain: Oxford University Press.


Encyclopedia & Newsletter Articles, and White Papers


Technical Assistance System Network (TASN): Trauma-Responsive Support Plans (TRSP): A Facilitation Guide for District and Building-Level Community Coaches (2020). Hambrick, E. P. acknowledged as white paper contributor.


McKune, K. H. & Morgan, M. (2018). Moving the neuroscience of trauma into action to solve long-standing community problems. Informed by the work of a Kansas City metro-wide focus group on Trauma Informed Care gathered on August 22, 2018 (including Hambrick, E. P.).


Hambrick, E. P. (2018, Summer). Career Spotlight. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Division 53 of the American Psychological Association.


Borbon Elmore, D., Hambrick, E. P., Lambert, J., & DeCou, C. (2018, Winter). Trauma Psychology Takes to the Hill: APA Division 56 Joins APA Partners in Cosponsoring Policy Workshop & Advocacy Day. Trauma Psychology News.


Hambrick, E. P. (2011). Brain Stem. In Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. A. (Eds). Vol. 1 Encyclopedia of       Child Behavior and Development, 290-293. New York, New York: Springer.


Hambrick, E. P. (2011). Locke, John. In Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. A. (Eds). Vol. 2 Encyclopedia of      Child Behavior and Development, 894-896. New York, New York: Springer.

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